Every body deserves relief

Revive WITH Alexandra


Choose from a variety of massage and bodywork techniques including Deep Tissue, Fascial Stretch Therapy and more! Nourishing touch will have you feeling present in your body as we relieve tension, improve circulation and reduce pain.

Strength Training

A strong body in proper alignment carries you through this life with resilience. Learn how to implement basic strength training principles into your daily life for more energy, less pain and the freedom to do the activities you love with ease.

Infrared sauna

Detoxification and muscle recovery are just two of the primary benefits of infrared sauna. Spend some solo time in the sauna or connect with your tribe while you sweat to improve circulation, support your immune system and burn calories.

“She who works with her hands is a Laborer. She who works with her hands and her head is a Craftswoman. She who works with her hands, her head and her heart is an Artist.”


I work at both a mechanistic and soul level. It is my belief that the Human Body is a 3-dimensional construct that has a structural anatomy and physiology and follows certain biological principles for optimal function. I also believe a multi-dimensional Energy Body exists that directly and perpetually influences our 3D body in ways that we are continuously learning about. I am simultaneously aware of both these truths when I am working with a client.